Monday 4 August 2008

A blast from the past

Summer is a quiet time in the library giving an opportunity to do some tidying, checking and sorting through the build up of paperwork, new additions and such like. As this has been going on throughout the organization, not just in the library, various discoveries have been made. One of these is a number of back issues of The Conductor, the quarterly newsletter/magazine produced by the Foundation 1988-1997. There are 24 issues in total. Pieces about Pető, Hári, research, Ester Cotton’s principles, development of adult and parent and child services in Birmingham, setting up the BA(Hons) Conductive Education degree and memories of those who worked with Peto are included. This is a goldmine of information recording the development of CE not just in the UK but worldwide during those years and includes news items, reports and lots of photographs. A great read for the nostalgics and historians! If anyone is interested in having copies please contact me for further details.

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