Saturday 20 June 2009


Yesterday I attended the Annual Awards Ceremony at the National Institute of Conductive Education. It was strange to go back after recent events, but great to be able to congratulate the 'new conductors', who I had helped in their research for essays and dissertations .

The programme of the day included several awards, celebrating a variety of achievements:

Qualified Conductor Status on the final year student conductors. There were four this year and they all have jobs to go to in North America and Germany. One was unable to attend, as he had already started work.

The Founder's Award is given by Andrew Sutton in recognition of vital help and support given to the Foundation for Conductive Education, (especially in its early years) in particular, and Conductive Education in general. Three people who had to be annoymous for a variety of reasons, were remembered this year and Andrew intimated that these may be the last from the past.

Volunteer's Award is given to an individual who has worked tirelessly for the organisation helping with fundraising, marketing and administration. This year it went to Pauline Hartley who has given her time freely in such ways for seven years.

Long Service Awards are given to staff who have worked for five, ten and fifteen years. Three people had a five year award this year - a conductor, a conductive assistant, and the current Chief Executive.

Speeches were made, photos taken, bucks fizz drunk, and a good time had by all.

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