Wednesday 2 December 2009

Another new book on Conductive Education

Another book (details below), written in German has just been published and is available from Amazon at

It is expensive - priced at $87.00 - and has 144 pages. More than that I cannot say as I have not seen it, but I will be very interested to receive any comments or information about this book which I can pass on.

Schwarzenbacher, S. (2009) Konduktiv mehrfach- therapeutische Förderung nach Petö und Keil: Theorie - Praxis - Effektivität. VDM-Verlag. ISBN-10: 3639206614 ISBN-13: 978-3639206616


Conductive World said...

At one time (pretty recently, actually) I would have commented something along the lines that it would be better for you to have written 'Another new book on konduktive Foerderung'.

Now I increasingly think that it is too l ate to hold the line over what should and should go under the ever wider and mor diffuse term of 'Conductive Education'. The defenses have been breeched in too many places. Too many people now use the term to describe so many practices and arrangements. Ask the proverbial Man from Mars to tell you what from his observations at the end of 2009 he considers Conductive Education to , based upon the things that he can see done in its name around the world. He might have concluded that it means pretty much what anyone wants it to mean.

As someone who has fought longer and harder than most to hold the position I am now seriously considering that it is time to cede the ground and fall back upon a new positin, differently constued and constructed.

The Pető Institute seems to be standing on the term Pető-method. Well, Good luck to the defenders over there, that's their choice. From over here it does not look a very strong position, but we shall have to see.

Sorry to describe the struggle, the battle for 'Conductive Education' is such military terms but this is an analogy that sonreadly comes to mind.

I have no specific idea about the contents of this new book, other than a clue in its title, '...nach Petö und Keil'. At the announced price I am in no immediate position to find out further, nor will many others be.

I see from Amazon that this book is advertised as the 'German edition'. If there is an English edition in the offing then, to return to my miltary allusion, this is further indication that the enemy (as MH used to call them) have taken the city and all that remains is the sound of mopping up and assimilation.

As you know, I'm off, to regroup.

Chin, chin,


Gill said...

Thanks for this, Andrew, as always you give us something to think about.
I have always thought that this blog is a vehicle for giving information about resources in Conductive Education in the same way as a physical library would do through its catalogue, and leave the reader/researcher to discover, digest and form his/her own opinion. Even so it is becoming harder to decide whether to say it is a book/paper about CE (as I understand it) or not.
As conductors do not write (at least very often, or at great length)it is left to others to do so and in the process misunderstandings may occur. The past years have seen more written by non-conductors and a growth in services offering 'the principles of Conductive Education'. The writers of the two books I have mentioned recently are both physical therapists, I think, and not conductors.
Perhaps a conductor in Germany may be able to access the book(s) and write a review which I would be more than happy to post on this blog - annoymously, if required.

Rony Schenker, OTR, PhD, Tsad Kadima, Israel said...

Maybe Susie can assist in that??? She has the talent and the language...