Saturday 17 April 2010

The New Conductive Education Library

Gradually over the years documents, articles, reviews etc on Conductive Education have been posted on the Internet and I thought it might be useful to bring these together in a 'virtual' catalogue. This catalogue will include all such items that can be tracked down.

 Go to  for the first entries.

A  number of items are waiting to be classified and these will be added in the near future.

As I do not have the relevant software or expertise in devising my own, I have started this catalogue in a blog format which is easy to use  for me, the compiler, and you, the user. This may change at a later date.

Items are arranged by subject, 'classified', using the scheme I devised whilst Librarian at the Foundation for Conductive Education, and include all known bibliographic details where possible. There is a list of subjects on the right-hand side, just click to access items in that area.

Please note that none of the items will be evaluated for quality. That is a job for readers: it is not the role of a library. Inclusion in this catalogue indicates solely their existence on the Internet.

All suggestions, thoughts, or information about documents you have found, that may be included in this catalogue, will be very welcome.


Andrew said...

Congratulations and respect!

May I be first to point out that this major contribution to the wellbeing of Conductive Education has been carried out as an act of personal charitas.

As I wrote above,congratulations and respect. This cannot be stated too often!


Gillian Maguire said...

Thank you, Andrew. As I am always saying, at least its a start!