Monday, 24 October 2011

Where can I buy books on Conductive Education ?

There is not much published on Conductive Education  and it is not easy to obtain books through booksellers on the High Street, but I have managed to find several sources for purchasing books on Conductive Education via the Internet.

Some are new and some are second-hand and are listed below.

New books

Conductive Education Press has three titles available for purchase [see links in right hand sidebar]

Just do it!
Internationalising Conductive Education
Intelligent love
 Go to for further details

Foundation for Conductive Education has a number of titles -

Maria Hari and her conductive pedagogy
Looking back, looking forward
Contact for details

Susie Mallett has published one title -

Let me tell you a story
Go to for further details and order information

Peto Institute sells a number of titles - too many to list here - on Conductive Education and other relevant subjects, produced by themselves and also other publishers. A complete list can be found at and contact the Librarian for details.

Second hand books

A number of titles at a variety of prices are available on searching for Conductive Education
at :

Amazon -

Abe books -

Barnes and Noble -

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Here's another for your list of recent publications: