Friday, 23 November 2012

Lists of CE Centres

Over the past couple of weeks I have been trying to catch up with all the changes and updates for my centre lists and am almost there!

Then today I see that Andrew Sutton has posted a blog about centres in response to a question that he has been asked. The enquirer wanted to know if there was a list of centres founded by parents.  He gives a detailed explanation about how this is impossible to do, covering a bit of CE history in the process, and referred to my lists.

This lists have been compiled mainly by searching the Internet. The only  criterion for including a centre is the fact that a conductor is employed there.  Such centres are then arranged in the list by country with as much contact information as possible. Some of the centres do include a little history about their origins, but this detail is not a factor in the arrangement of the lists, as Andrew has explained. 
 Occasionally I will get an email informing me of the establishment of a new centre, changes in contact details  of a centre, and also the closure  of a centre. Using this information and what information I find when I search, I update the lists regularly, keeping them as accurate as possible.
If your centre is not on my list, has changed its address, phone number, email etc please do let me know. If you know of any centre no longer operating, tell me that too. Also  I would love to hear from any conductor who has set up their own provisions or consultancies that are not listed, so I can keep that list up to date too.
All the lists can be found in the right hand column of this blog - just click on the one you want.


melanie jeannot said...

Dear Gillian,
I am not sure that our little private Conductive Education School, where we employ one Hungarian Conductor (Mrs PAZMANY Judit) is in your list.
We created our foundation ("Association Enfance Handicap Moteur") in 2008 (after I spent one and half year in Budapest with my CP daughter Alice when she was 2/3 years old).
We opened here as the first permanent CE school in France for children aged ~ 2 to 8 years old in 2009. We have children coming from everywhere France. We have 6 children in total, 4 on an everyday basis and 2 coming for short term sessions of 4 to 6 weeks.
Our children make great PROGRESS and we are happy with what we achieved.
Visit us on :

Association EHM
3 rue de Paris
58150 Pouilly sur Loire
Tel +333 86 39 00 34
Thanks !!

Gillian Maguire said...

Thanks very much, Melanie. I will check the list and add your centre if not there already.
Good Luck!