Sunday 9 August 2009

Why are they Conductive Education classics?

I have been with friends over the weekend, enjoying the lovely sunshine and not looked at my emails or blog until tonight. It was very interesting to see the discussion that had built up over my last posting, Conductive Education Classic no 7, and I would like to respond to this.

When I started the Conductive Education Classics I wanted to highlight those texts that had been influential in Conductive Education, for whatever reason, good or bad. Needless to say there is not a huge list to choose from, but I still have a few more to do in the next few months. Their influence today is still great, perhaps because of the lack of in-depth academic publications to replace and up date them, take Conductive Education forward.

Perhaps some of you would like to share your opinions of my choices with me and maybe suggest others.

I have always felt that it was not my job to evaluate the literature, but to let other people more knowledgeable and academic than I do that. It is a librarian's job to collect all available relevant material for study and evaluation. Saying that, over the years I have learnt what items were more useful and accurate and tried to steer people towards those if possible, but that was not the purpose of this 'classics' list.

The discussion between Rony, Andrew and Susie is very interesting and the types of list that they talk about has given me food for thought.

I will respond shortly.