Sunday 23 May 2010

Review of New Conductive Education Library

As it is just over a month since I started posting items on the virtual catalogue at  

I thought it might be worth reviewing how the catalogue has grown and look at the number of visitors to the site.

I am pleased to say that since early April, 108 items have been entered in the catalogue under 8 different subjects and 794 visitors have been recorded. A  few comments have been made, all very positive.

 Initially I included only items that were freely available to all but am now also putting up the locations for those needing payment to view. I know this can be frustrating for those who hope to access the material immediately, at no cost, but including them does at least flag up their existence and potential use. Some academic libraries do allow public access for reference purposes (in the UK at least) so it would be worth while contacting a university near you if you wish to track down any article.

There are quite a number in the pipeline to be posted and I am checking the Internet regularly for items to add. If you know of any that I may have missed or be unaware of, please do let me know.

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