Thursday, 16 September 2010

Charities merging in UK

Today I read a news item reporting the merging of three charities based in London - Radar, Disability Alliance and the National Centre for Independent Living. Theay are considering a merge under the new title Disability Rights Partnership.

Liz Sayce, chief executive of the Royal Association for Disability Rights, also known as Radar, said the charities had 35 staff and there were no plans to make any of the posts redundant.

She said the proposal to merge the charities was based on increasing the campaigning power of the charities and was nothing to do with financial difficulties.

 Perhaps this will be a way forward in these troubled times for some of the CE centres registered as charities in the UK?


Conductive World said...

'...the proposal to merge the charities was based on increasing the campaigning power of the charities and was nothing to do with financial difficulties'.

Methinks a little too much protest here. Pull the other one.

Maybe this would also be a way forward for CE charities, not just in the UK and not in troubled times, as long of course as they could identify sufficient common ground, or common direction.

And of course such a move would be based on increasing the campaigning power of the CE charities and nothing to do with financial difficulties.


NormanP said...

Merger is one option. There are other effective forms of collaboration too.

I have on my blog been advocating for quite a while the coming together of CE charities in the UK.

There are several good reasons for doing so.

If "financial difficulties" is the spur, so be it. Whatever it takes. Count me in.