Tuesday, 28 December 2010

New books on Conductive Education

As I mentioned when I was still in Hong Kong, five new books on Conductive Education have been published and some information about them was available at the World Congress. The time has flown since I got back, and what with Christmas too, there doesn't seem to have been much time to blog.

But now I can.

It is quite an event for so many items to be published at the same time and I hope there will be more to come in 2011. Conductive Education Press has plans for three titles and maybe other people/organisations will publish too. More publications are needed, more accurate information, and more clarification, so I hope there will be more very soon.

I cannot comment on the quality of these five - it is up to you to decide!

In no particular order they are:

Mallett, S. Let me tell you a story. Nurnberg: Conductor Nurnberg.

Susie Mallett has selected six of her blog postings describing her work with children and adolescents and put them into a small booklet of 50 pages.

More information can be found at

This can be purchased directly from Susie at http://www.susie-mallet.org/  for 8.50 euros plus postage and packing and I do have a few copies to sell for Susie if you would like to contact me.

International Peto Association. Abstract book; the 7th World Congress on Conductive Education. Hong Kong: SAHK.

This collection of the abstracts and poster presentations was given to all delgates at the Congress.

If you wish to obtain a copy I suggest you contact Ivan Su at SAHK to see if there are any available.  

Su, I., ed. A collection of articles published by the staff members of SAHK in the past 15 years (from 1994-2008). Hong Kong: SAHK

This collection of papers and presentations is in English and Chinese.

Contact Ivan Su for information on availability.

Airaksinen, L. and Carlstedt, I., ed. Conductive Education - towards an integrated school day. Alvsjo: Joriel School and Ruskeasuo School. 25 euros

This book contains chapters on the history of CE in Sweden and Finland and accounts of attempts to use the principles of Conductive Education as an integrated part of the school day in those countries.

Copies can be obtained from Ruskeasuo School

Beck, E. Task series in Conductive Education. Budapest: International Peto Institute

This is an English translation of the Hungarian edition published a few years ago.

Contact Bea at Library@peto.hu  for further information.

Of course, Conductive Education Press also published a book at the beginning of December titled Intelligent Love; parents' action for Conductive Education. Please see my posting at http://www.gillian-maguire.info/2010/12/intelligent-love-new-book-from.html  for more information.

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