Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Found it!

Andrew Sutton has been looking for an article on Conductive Education published in December, and I am very pleased to say that I have managed to obtain a copy which I will let him have.

This article is titled 'Conductive Education: appraising the evidence'  and is published in Educational Psychology in Practice, the journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists (full reference at the end of this posting.)

It includes the results of a literature search on two databases, neither educational, and produces these results  in a table. Most of the results are quite old , dating back to the early 1990s ad I can't help wondering if the authors visited the National Library of  Conductive Education (which contains more up to date material)  or are even aware of its existence.  Still, I am very pleased to be able to say that despite not having the resources around me I was able to track this down. One up for the Librarians, I think!

Tuersley-Dixon, L. and Frederickson, N. (2010) Conductive Education: appraising the evidence. Educational Psychology in Practice , 26(4), pp.253-373.


Andrew said...

Thanks Gill.

I posted an appeal to get a copy of this article on 10/11 December:

I was still in Nong Kong, where I came acros the unual genuflexion towards 'research'. There was no apparent awareness that 'the literature', in the shape of this article, might have just hammered another nail into CE's coffin.

Thanks for getting it for me. Not now being a daily blogger I feel no urgency to rush into print to share its contents. No doubt the world of Conductive Education, especialy in the UK where this article will cause the most damage, has plenty else to be getting on with in the meantime.


And yes. librarians rule. OK!

Andrew Sutton said...

Some quotations from this paper are presented at:

Along with some brief comments.
