Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Intelligent Love

Graham, J, and others, ed. (2010) Intelligent love; parents' action for Conductive Education. Birmingham: Conductive Education Press.

This is the third title to be published by Conductive Education Press, coming out in December in time for the World Congress in Hong Kong.
 I posted a blog at the time

giving information about its contents, and it was also mentioned on Andrew Sutton's blog. 


whilst Susie Mallett has reproduced a chapter  contributed by a German family, that she translated in to English for the book, at


Now the New Year has really got started I have managed to upload a picture of the cover in the right-hand column - all you have to do is click on the picture to get more information and order if you wish.

This book is one that we are particulary pleased with and we are sure you will understand why when you have read it. Comments are always most welcome.

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