Thursday, 23 June 2011

Funding for Conductive Education in Australia in the news

I have just returned from a week way to discover quite a bit has been happening in Conductive Education, and in particular, the row about the funding of the services provided at Carson Street School in Australia.
Withdawal of funding from the government was announced due to the conclusion of a report on the system and a number of parents protested. This was followed by a report of 'doctoring' of the report and finally today an announcement that the funding will continue after all.

I have collected together the links to these stories on the Internet for those interested and they appear below.
Parents protest at withdrawal of funds for school in Australia
Education Minister to review withdrawal of funds in Australia
Minister is accused of doctoring report on CE in Australia
Minister announces that funding will now continue for Carson Street in Australia
More on doctoring of report.
'Doctoring' of report may be investigated.

Andrew Sutton has also blogged these developments.

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