Wednesday, 10 October 2012

More about the new András Pető book

Whilst in Hong Kong for the World Congress on Conductive Education in December 2009 it ocurred to me that the little that was known about  András Pető was scattered around in various different places. Why not bring it all together in a book? For the last eighteen months we have been doing just that and along the way managed to get three previously unpublished papers and facsimiles of  a exam booklet and poems by Pető for inclusion in the book. These were the icing on the cake! 

Getting all this collected, edited and ready for publication took longer than expected and publication a fortnight ago of  András Pető was a day of celebration for Conductive Education Press.

Copies of this are now being read and comments coming in. Yesterday Susie Mallett blogged her thoughts about it which can be read at 

and says her favourite piece is the one  by Júlia Dévai , which was specially written for the book. (Júlia also very kindly allowed us to reproduce the exam booklet and poems from her personal archive.) Her piece is my favourite too. It brings alive the time when Pető's conductive pedagogy was slowly emerging, in great detail, a  fascinating account.

I wonder what other readers of the book are deciding  are their favourites. 

Please do write and let us know.

The book can be ordered at

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