Friday 3 July 2009

All change!

For some time I have been concerned about the name of this blog. Things have changed since its set-up and the name 'Library' is no longer appropriate.

A library is a collection of organised, accessible, catalogued material and other information. While I was the Librarian and had access to Conductive Education material in the National Library of Conductive Education, and its catalogue at the National Institute of Conductive Education, ‘library’ seemed a logical name for a blog intended to promote this collection.

That situation no longer applies.

The post of Librarian was made redundant. I left taking with me what only I had learnt (in my head), my 'knowledge' of the literature, the history, the people etc, and now rely on this, my memory and the Internet when posting information.

I am continuing my blog on a voluntary and independent basis because I believe in the cause, I know that this cause desperately requires a service of this kind, and anyway I enjoy it.

This blog has had no connection with the Foundation for Conductive Education since March. Nor, as far as I know, does the Foundation desire such contact.

This blog is a private venture. Therefore I have decided to re-name it, Conductive Education Information, to reflect its purpose more accurately.

There will also be a change in URL, but there is no need for regular readers to change their bookmark or alert settings, as Blogger will automatically make redirection to the new Internet address.

The National Library of Conductive Education is still there, so if you have any requirements for bibliographic or other information please contact either

or myself

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