Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Adult Conductive Education Services in Hungary

I have been sent an up-to-date list of adult CE services in Hungary compiled by Mátyásiné Kiss Ágnes and as promised in an earlier blog

I am posting them here. The list sent to me is in Hungarian, so please forgive any missing or wrong accents as this computer does not have the relevant software, and if I have missed any or misunderstood, do let me know.

Please note only one has a website, but all have an email address for contact.


Mozgássérült Emberek Rehabilitációs Központja
1024 Budapest Marcibányi tér 3.
Email: merek@merek.hu
Website: http://www.merek.hu/ or http://www.holnaphaza.hu/

Országos Orvosi Rehabilitácios Intezet

1024 Budapest,Szanatorium u.2.

GYSG Rehabilitácios KFT

1114 Budapest, Pillango utca 12.


Bács Kiskun Megyei Önkormá nyzat Konduktív Pedagógiai Intézete és Szakszolgálata
6400 Kiskunhalas Esze Tamá s Iakó telep 6.
Email; kpisz@freemail.hu

Bács Kiskun Megyei Önkormá nyzat Pszichiátriai és Fogyaté kos Betegek Otthona
6400 Kiskunhalas Kõ rö si ú t 16
Email: bkmopbo@t-online.hu

Városi Kórház Mozgósterápia-Konduktív Pedagógia Szakambulancia
6500 Baja, Ró kus u. 10.
Email: mozgasterapia@gmail.com

Önkormá nyzat Képviselõ Testület Gondozási Központ
6066 Tiszaalpár, Dózsa Gy. u.71.
Email: barony.r@citromail.hu


Mozgásszervi Rehabilitációs Központ
3400 Mezökövesd, Fülemü le ú t 1.
Email: mrkzsory@t-online.hu


Markhot Ferenc Negyei Kó rhá z é s Rendelõ inté zet Mozgá sszervi Rehabilitá ció s Osztá ly
3300 Eger, Szé chenyi u.27-29.
Email: titkar@mfkh.hu

Komárom - Esztergom

Tatabánya Többcélú Kistérségi Társulás ESZI Szent György Otthon
2834 Tarjá n, Petõ fi S. u.16.
Email: eszitarjan@vivamail.hu


Szent Lázár Megyei Korház Felnott Rehabilitácios Osztály
3100 Salgotarján, Fuleki u.54-56.

Email: ildus.63@vipmail.hu


Fõvárosi Önkormányzat Idosek Otthona
2100 Gödõllö , Dózsa Gy.u.65.
Email: mailto:bibcock@citromail.hu


Egészségügyi Közhasznú Társaság Rendelö Intézet
8642 Fonyód, Szent István u.27.
Email: rudajudit@citromail.hu


Veszprém Megyei Egységes Pedagógiai Szakszolgálat
8300 Tapolca, Nagykö z u.1-3.
Email: tanacsado@nevelesi-tapolca.sulinet.hu


Kanizsai Dorottya Kórház Felnött Rehabilitációs Osztálya
8800 Nagykanizsa, Szekeres Jó zsef u. 2-8.
Email: fejes_transz@freemail.hu

Honvédelmi Minisztérium Állami Eü -I Kp. Hévízi Mozgásszervi Rehabilitációs Intézete
8380 Hé viz, Ady Endre u. 31.
Email: kissgabi.heviz@freemail.hu

Monday, 30 March 2009

Conductive Education back in the News

This last week has seen a number of items on Conductive Education in the media , not all good news stories but bringing CE into the spotlight.

See those listed in the News column on the right, for further information and a more detailed analysis of the Australian story on Andrew's Conductive World blog


Sunday, 22 March 2009

Conductive Education Classic no. 4

Maguire, G. and Sutton, A. ed. (2004) Maria Hari on Conductive Pedagogy. Birmingham: Foundation for Conductive Education.

As I have mentioned before, there are not many books on Conductive Education and even fewer that present a clear account of what Conductive Education actually is, how it is practised.
This book was published in 2004 to make a number of papers written and presented by Maria Hari over a period of thirty years and held in the National Library of Conductive Education, available to a wider audience.
I quote from the blurb on the back of the book:
An edited collection of previously unpublished papers presented in English, French and Russian, 1968-2000, on how to teach children of kindergarten and school-age the conductive way. An unprecendented account in the English language of the philosophy and practice of conductive pedagogy by the originator and developer of conductor-training.
In reading these eight papers, arranged in date order, it is possible to see how her attitude to sharing the knowledge willingly, changed over the years as Conductive Education was taken up by others, and 'practised' without full understanding of the system.
I make no apologies for recommending a book I was involved in producing, as it is an important account of Hari's ideas, thoughts and attempts to share the system combined with recording part of Conductive Education's history.
Copies are available to buy :
on Amazon at
and Cafepress at
and the National Institute of Conductive Education, Birmingham, UK. foundation@conductive-education.org.uk
I hope there will be more in the future which tell us what conductors actually do! If you are aware of any in the pipeline, please do let me know.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Interesting News for the CE World

I received an email today telling me about an interesting development in Conductive Education. I have reproduced it here rather than re -write it and suggest you click on the links for further information. It could become a very useful and interesting contact for all those interested in Conductive Education.

I shall certainly follow it with interest.

I am writing to notify you of the March 31, 2009 launch of The Conductive Education Communications Center (CECC) at www.ConductiveEducation.net.

The CECC will be a website portal and communications center specifically designed, published and under operation for the national Conductive Education community.

In speaking with many of you, it became clear there was a need for
such a communications portal to show and share videos, articles and other
information. The CECC will offer that. Additionally, it will have a discussion
forum so that experts, parents, instructors and others can meet and talk with
each other online, at any time. There will be webinars by experts, a tool box of
helpful documents and forms, a blog, petition support center to lobby your
educators and legislators, grant information, directories of centers and
services and more. Parents, educators, the media and anyone with an interest in
Conductive Education will find the information they need here.

After spending the past two years learning and experiencing many
of the challenges the Conductive Education community and movement has faced, it
became increasingly important to use my almost 20 years in public relations,
marketing and interactive/website communications towards this effort. I have had
the great pleasure to work closely with
Sixten’s Foundation, Inc. near Washington, D.C. and the honor of assisting that group with successfully executing what is one of the first Conductive Education pilot programs within a public school system in the United States.

Please take a few moments to review some of the exciting components of this coming website at the temporary site at

It will be officially launched, in its entirety, on March 31, 2009, but I am taking this
opportunity to inform those of you whom I may have met or with whom I have
spoken or corresponded in the recent past.

At the end of this month, the launch will be supported by a national public relations and search
engine optimization campaign, and a limited number of sponsorship and
advertising opportunities are available for interested businesses, centers and
other service providers. Just visit the “Sponsorship and Advertising on
ConductiveEducation.net” at

Please e-mail or call me if you have any questions or suggestions. We look forward to serving the Conductive Education community.


Mike Szimanski
Education Communications Center

Sunday, 15 March 2009

New article on Conductive Education

The latest issue of Able magazine contains an article on Conductive Education for adults and presents it from a different angle. Details can be found below. It is written differently from anything else that I have seen, not telling what Conductive Education people want to say, but trying to imagine what people with disabilities and their families might want to hear. I think this has resulted in an interesting article which should introduce the advantages of receiving Conductive Education to those not aware of it and hopefully encourage them to try it out. Unfortunately this issue of the magazine does not appear to be up on the internet yet but may be soon at http://www.ablemagazine.co.uk/

A list of centres has already been posted on this blog for those wishing to follow up on it.


Sutton, A. (2009) Learning for living. Able, March/April, pp.54-57.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

New search engine to come

Today it has been announced that a new British search engine will be launched in May.


This will be different from other search engines such as Google as :

...the London-born physicist claims his website 'Wolfram Alpha' can
understand what you are looking for and calculate a single precise answer.
So in theory it will be able to answer questions such as 'What is the location of
Timbuktu?', 'How many protons are in the hydrogen atom?' and 'Where is the
International Space Station?'
'There will be one simple input field that gives access to a huge system, with trillions of pieces of curated data and millions of lines of algorithms,' Professor Wolfram said.
This ability to process natural language, understanding everyday speech as well as
computer-programming language, could prove to be a leap forward in how humans
interact with computers.

The stuff of science fiction, but this should make more accurate searching possible. When it is launched I will give it a go and let you know how I get on.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Good news from Canada

I have just been told of something I would like to share with you as it it is such a positive story in these troubled times.

On the front page of March of Dimes (Canada) website is a photo of a little boy, Justin Bower, standing up with a cheeky grin on his face.


Clicking on this leads you to a letter written to Beth Brydon, a conductor working for MOD in Halifax, Nova Scotia, thanking her for all her hard work. This is a small excerpt:

What you have done for our son in just two short weeks is nothing short of
miraculous. I'm still in shock that you have been able to transform him this
much! You are what we have been looking for since Justin was diagnosed almost
seven years ago. I'm not very religious, but I thank God for you!

Good news for the family and the conductor. Let's have more of this!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Interesting development

An item in the CE News in the left hand column reports an interesting development in Conductive Education for the UK.

A parent has managed to secure a CE input to her son's life by persuading the local authority to start a special unit. I think this is a first for secondary aged children in this country and offers a precedent for other parents wishing to have the same service for their children. I know that Paces in Sheffield provides some services for this age group but the local authority is not involved.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Looking forwards

I have now officially left the Foundation for Conductive Education and am free to retire to my metaphorical rocking chair. Despite the attractions of that, I hope to do other things ( so I can avoid helping my husband on his allotment as much as possible) whilst still keeping an eye on events in the CE World.

The email contact address has been changed as you can see and I would love people to stay in touch and let me know about new centres, events, publications etc, feel free to ask for help with information and just say hello occasionally.

Thanks again to all those who have written such wonderful things and shown concern for the Library's future. Hopefully it will have one.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

What can I say?

Previous postings on this blog have been very factual, informative (I hope) and professional. This one is different. It is the hardest one I have ever written as I want to be personal and respond to events of the past few days.

Being made redundant has led to an emotional roller-coaster for me as I have bounced from sorrow to anger to regret, and had sleepless nights. But it has been made easier to bear by the very large number of emails and phone calls I have received from family, friends and colleagues of the Conductive Education world. It has been overwhelming to read such kind and flattering things, I had no idea that what I have done has been so appreciated. I had no idea that the Library was considered to be so important by others, and not just to me and those at the Foundation for Conductive Education who use it in house.

No-one is indispensable, as any politician will tell you, and neither am I. But the Library is. I hope it will be maintained, developed, and most of all, used in the future. It needs someone to take it forward now and my experience and knowledge of Conductive Education will have to be built up by another. Rony Schenker says that it is not time to say goodbye now. Due to current circumstances, however, it is time to say goodbye to an era, to this stage in the Library’s history and my contribution to it. Worldwide financial difficulties have led to hard decisions, but I think this was the wrong one.

Words cannot convey how much the good opinions voiced openly by my colleagues and students and library users mean to me, how much they have sweetened the pill and I would like to say thank you, thank you , thank you so very much to all those who have come out in support of the Library and its services.

I am sure that the Library will not die, just mark time for a while until something can be done to make it fully operational again.

I hope to stay in touch with the Conductive Education world and am happy for anyone to contact me. Contact details will be posted shortly.