Monday, 28 March 2011

What choice would you make?

 A mother, whose son has cerebral palsy, writes in the Guardian  movingly

'Nathan was born at 23 weeks. If I'd known then what I do now, I'd have wanted him to die in my arms'

Her son was premature and had to spend some time in an incubator and now as well as being profoundly deaf ( a side effect of the drugs he has been given)

"He can't walk or talk. He's oxygen dependent, although hopefully that might change. He has chronic lung disease, cerebral palsy and global developmental delay. He has diabetes inspidus and his thermostat is a bit wonky so he gets hot and cold."

His life expectancy is short, not much more than his teens. A heartbreaking situation for any parent and she asks whether all premature babies should be saved.

A question I would not like to answer, and a decision I would not like to make.

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