Sunday, 13 January 2013

Conductors talking and sharing

I received an enquiry by email recently from Andrea Berecz-Prewitt, conductor-teacher in Cincinnati, OH and also an ACENA board member. ACENA:

ACENA offers an opportunity to the conductors in North America to network by joining to a conference call bi-monthly. Andrea is going to participate in a virtual meeting with other conductors to discuss the role of conductor-teachers this coming week. As she says, this may be vary considerably in different circumstances and different countries.
Such discussion must be fruitful for all concerned and I wondered if these particular conductors are aware of Conductor Connect.  Ben Foulger, a conductor has set up this group which  can be joined (by invitation) with the aim of discussing, sharing and helping each other with all things professional. Sounds like a useful tool for those willing to participate and share their experience and knowledge.

If anyone is interested in knowing more about it, please do contact Ben  at

1 comment:

Ben Foulger said...

Just to say that my email address is actually Happy for anyone to get in touch!
