Thursday, 31 January 2013

Where conductors work

For some time now I have been meaning to look at my lists and update them, but other things seemed to take priority. Now I am going to do it and have removed the out of date lists from the side of my blog.
I am working with Ben Foulger on a new way of presenting this information and would welcome your help in getting the facts right, so please let me know if you know:

 of any places that have now closed,

 any services no longer being provided by individual conductors,

 new ventures,

changes of address,

new websites and URLs

As soon as the update is ready, I will let you know.

I would also welcome feedback on how useful this information is!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I know 3 adresses, I don't know if you already have them:

Gillian Maguire said...

Thank you very much. These have now all gone into my list. I am hoping that I will get sent others too.