Thursday 27 November 2008

Blogs, blogs everywhere and not a minute to read them

Susie has posted an item about blogging, the proliferation of blogs and having the time to read them.This partially echoed a conversation I had with Andrew Sutton about comments on blogs and how easy it is to miss them, probably due to reading quickly and their not being displayed prominently.Maybe down to the fact that bloggers usually are computer buffs and are looking for such facilities. This is a shame as frequently the comments are very interesting and can lead to further discussion as happened with Andrew's item about mentoring.

We bloggers like to have comments too, as it shows that people are reading our postings and would like to talk to us. Laszlo was getting disheartened because of this last week.

So, please do comment and contribute to sharing knowledge, opinions, information etc. Could we say that this in itself may be a form of mentoring and encouragement ? Comments please!

Susie's posting

Laszlo's posting


Judit Szathmáry said...

Dear Gill,
Yes it is a form of mentoring and I dooo read your blog, whether I comment on it or not.
I wish more people would comment, as it would guide us to support them the way they needed supporting.
So we just have to do it in a way we think it is the best.
With Love. Judit

Gillian Maguire said...

Yes, we must keep communicating and learning from each other.

Anonymous said...

We have, I think (he said hesitantly), begun a conversation; a conversation that, I suspect (he again said hesitantly), is only possible thanks to the internet.

So far we are only a few, but we read each others' blogs, find stimulation in them for our own postings, and add comments. Between us, we draw attention to what interests us, what we think might interest others, what we think worth reading.

We know there are many who, silently, share these conversations mainly as listeners. Sometimes the listeners join in and leave a Comment of their own; sometimes they send us emails directly; all the while, their presence and origin can be detected on the visitor maps and on the blog Stats.

And so the conversation grows.

Gillian Maguire said...

Thanks, Norman, I think we are all a bit hesitant but need to keep going. Perhaps more of the 'lurkers' will start participating soon.